During a normal visit to our site personally identifiable information about you, such as your name, mailing address, email, and telephone number, is not collected unless you provide it to us voluntarily. If you opt not to provide us with personal information, you can still access our websites; however you may be unable to participate in certain promotions, have an order fulfilled or receive product information (such as a quote on a product) or qualify for a credit application, if applicable.
Our primary goal in collecting personal information from you when you visit our website is to provide you with the information you need about our products and services. For example, we will ask you for personal information in order to fulfill your request for information on a particular vehicle, service or incentive. We will use this information to contact you regarding the same. This information may be used in order to provide you with products that you may be interested in or to improve our service or functionality and ease of use of our website.
In some cases, an email notification may be generated to inform you of receipt of your request or information. This is the case when you choose email as the method of communication for fulfilling the request.
We also may collect different types of customer information from a number of sources in meeting your products and services needs. We collect information to: identify you; learn about your situation; help us assess requests for products and services, confirm facts about you and help us deliver requested products and services. We may obtain customer information from a variety of sources.
– See more at: http://queenscjdofbayside.com/privacy-policy/#sthash.5mnFqoHl.dpuf