Forbes Makes Questionable Comment About “Imported From Gotham”

I understand there are slow news days, where writers have to truly struggle to find a story to break, I’ve had plenty of those myself. It’s even worse when it feels like the writer is just grasping at straws, desperate to put his name out there for capitalizing on a current news event. When that news event happens to highlight a tragedy that has nothing to do with the subject, it just feels disingenuous. That’s the way I feel about Forbe’s comment involving the Aurora shootings and Chrysler having an ad campaign with The Dark Knight Rises.

They actually put out an article that speaks about how lucky Chrysler is. Not because of sales, or because of an upcoming hot new car, but because their advertisement ended a day before the tragedy happened. I can’t begin to describe how much this article’s insinuation enrages me. I can’t help but think, is this really a conversation to be having? Chrysler seriously needs to comment about it?

I’m really confused as to what the article is supposed to be about. It just makes this absurd comment about how convenient Chrysler is that they don’t have to deal with this. That’s it, nothing else really, there’s no idea or opinion of how to spin a PR machine. It’s an absolute stretch to me, just to assert the hot news story into something to keep it alive and get hits. A story like this just exists to jump on a bandwagon.

Chrysler has no reason to comment on what happened. They have nothing to be afraid of with being associated with the film. It’s just maddening to see someone print what can be summed up with, “Well, isn’t that nice?” Thanks for high-lighting the tragedy into a news story where it didn’t have a place. Next time the writer needs to fill some space, I would recommend not struggling to include a shooting into their story.

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